National Library:
Once Upon a Time

The National Library Board needed help to reignite the joy of reading. Which is now a distant memory to grown-ups, due to distractions in the form of social media, console games and drama serials.

Nothing triggers the joy of reading like reminiscing one’s childhood books. We combed second-hand bookstores for forgotten books, and used the scribbles and sketches found on them to trace back their first owners. Through social media, we contacted the unsuspecting book owners, and set the stage for a reunion like no other. The heartwarming scenes were documented and turned into a series of web films. Riding on these films, we put out more children’s books, which found their way to the rightful owners with the help of the online community.

Within two weeks, our web films reached more than 650,000 Singaporeans. This culminated in an event at the central library, showcasing the nation’s favourite childhood books that attracted over 10,000 visitors, and received national media coverage.

• • • Reunion Films • • •