The Ultimate Feel Good Film

Starbucks Frappuccino was that cool kid around the block with shiny flavours and 1-for-1 promos. Sure, those things kept the flame somewhat burning, but they also turned Starbucks into more of a social media one-night stand rather than everyone’s one true love. An emergency makeover was long time coming.

Frappuccino is an extremely indulgent beverage. So, we indulged the Internet Universe by getting them to help us create the most epic unashamedly feel-good summer film ever. All they had to do was sample the new flavours and tell us how it made them feel on the inside – no matter how ridiculous their feels were. Culminating in the ultimate feelstravaganza.

47% uplift in people talking about Frapp • 400,000 new fans in just 8 weeks • 2x fanbase growth rate compared to 2017

Spike Asia Shortlist


Call for entry films

The Ultimate Feel Good Films